The comparison of the proportions between IRAE versus non_IRAE patients was done by two-sample Wilcoxon test
The comparison of the proportions between IRAE versus non_IRAE patients was done by two-sample Wilcoxon test. T cell sorting PBMCs from weeks 2 and 6 were FACS sorted (FACSAria, BD) into 4 populations: Treg (CD4+ CD25hi CD127lo), helper T (CD4+ CD25lo CD127+), na?ve CTL (CD8+ CD27+ CD45RA+), and non-na?ve CTL (CD8+ CD27? or CD27+ but CD45RA?/lo), and then the clonotypes present in these subpopulations were identified as above. to ipilimumab were also associated with increased T cell diversity. Our results show how rapid diversification in the immune repertoire immediately after checkpoint blockade can be both detrimental and beneficial for cancer patients. is the frequency of clonotype Indotecan for a sample with unique clonotypes. Indotecan Of note this metric is normalized to the number of unique clonotypes, and in our data set, clonality was found to be a robust metric and was not significantly correlated with the number of unique clonotypes found in each sample (p values for correlation with clonality at week 0 = 0.263 for molecules, 0.852 for counts; p values for correlation with clonality at week 2 = 0.048 for molecules but this is a positive correlation, 0.309 for counts). Clonality was compared between week 0 and week 2 by paired Wilcoxon test, and clonality comparisons between patients with IRAEs versus patients without IRAEs, or between responders versus non-responders at each timepoint were performed using two-sample Wilcoxon test. To determine the relative change in diversity over time, relative clonality was calculated as the ratio of the clonality at two consecutive timepoints; comparisons of this metric between patients with versus without IRAEs were done by two-sample Wilcoxon test. To explore the effect of other adverse events (AE) on the change of clonality from week 0 to week 2 for each type of AE, the relative clonality (week 2/week 0) between patients with that AE versus those without that AE was compared by two-sample Wilcoxon test. In order to measure the commonality between TCR sequences in week 0 (pre-treatment) and week 2 (post-treatment) for each subject, the proportions of clones only present at week 2, only present at week 0, and present in both week 0 and week 2 were calculated. The read depth as far as RNA molecules was largely similar between IRAE and non_IRAE groups as well as week 0 and week 2 samples (p = 0.412 for week 0 versus week 2; 0.9712 for IRAE vs non_IRAE at week 0) and did not vary in a way that would account for the presence of new clones in the AE group at week 2. In addition the amount of RNA input was not significantly correlated either with IRAE status, or with clonality of GADD45B the entire cohort or IRAE/non_IRAE groups (data not shown). To examine the change in TCR sequence frequency from week 0 to week 2, the fold change (FC) was defined as the sequence frequency at the week 2 divided by the sequence frequency at week 0. Each sequence was categorized as increased if FC is 4, as decreased if FC is definitely 0.25, and as unchanged if 0.25 FC 4. All TCR sequences detectable at week 0 or 2 were included in the analysis. For clones with non-measurable rate of recurrence counts at only one timepoint (and measurable in the additional timepoint), the number of reads in the non-measurable timepoint was arbitrarily collection to 1 1, and then FC was determined as above. For each subject, the percentage of TCR sequences falling into each switch category was computed. The comparison of the proportions between IRAE versus non_IRAE individuals was carried out by two-sample Wilcoxon test. T cell sorting PBMCs from weeks 2 and 6 were FACS sorted (FACSAria, BD) into 4 populations: Treg (CD4+ CD25hi CD127lo), helper T (CD4+ CD25lo CD127+), na?ve CTL (CD8+ Indotecan CD27+ CD45RA+), and non-na?ve CTL (CD8+ CD27? or CD27+ but CD45RA?/lo), and then the clonotypes present in these subpopulations were identified as above. Each of these clonotypes from sorted cells was used to mark this clonotype as arising from a particular T cell subset when found in bulk PBMCs from your Indotecan same patient whatsoever timepoints for further analysis. Results T cell repertoire Indotecan changes happen early with treatment To characterize the practical.